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Communicating with Families About School Group Counseling
Ever struggle with the best way to communicate with parents about small group counseling? I know I have… for years. I facilitate many small counseling groups throughout the year as part of my comprehensive school counseling plan. I send permission slips home to families, with an outline and a couple examples of what we might…

Friday Favorites: 8-3-18
Be prepared to see a lot of books appear in my Friday Favorites series. I was at the library yesterday with my son, and I was checking out picture books…for myself. Enter one of today’s Friday favorites: What Do You Do With a Chance? (Yamada, 2017). While I was reading it to my son, I…

Small Counseling Group Structure for Elementary School Counselors
I’ve been thinking about my favorite things about small counseling groups lately, and I feel like I’ve reached a point that I really love my group structure. It’s only taken me about 10 years to get there. I start all of my groups, regardless of topic, in the same way. 99% of my groups are…
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